Tuesday, August 7, 2012

To Bind or Not to Bind?

There are many different paths in the Pagan forest of spirituality. Many have strict rules regarding using one's power to exert power over others some say, "Never do it!" others say "Do what you feel!" I believe that anytime you feel the need to exert power over another you need to look at why. Are you afraid of them? Are you angry with them? Are you in love with them? Are they dangerous? Are you dangerous?

In the last few years of my life I found myself faced with this issue, on more than one occasion and with more than one person.  It is my belief that you should not focus yourself on controlling another being's free will. This will always come to bite you, in my humble opinion and in my experience. But what do you do when you are worried or afraid that someone else is danger to you? I will share with you what I have done in the past and what worked for me and how I went about it.

Binding an individual can seriously backfire on you and you should not decide on such a thing lightly. In Wiccan belief it's "Harm none." In Voodoo, it's normal to try to seduce the spirit world into bringing your desires to fruition- but always at a cost (it's more in depth and complicated than that but that is for another article another day.) I am not a Wiccan. I don't worship Wiccan gods- I choose my own deities based on their representations and I will invoke deities from multiple backgrounds and belief systems. So while I'm not strictly bound by "Harm none" I try to heed it as much as possible. However, I finally arrived at a place where binding was likely necessary to "cool off" the other individual.  How I arrived to this place is through a long hard road of uneasiness, meditation, and acceptance of the consequences should this backfire. Luckily for me, it worked wonderfully.

Here is the situation:
An individual living in my home that I am un-related to otherwise began to systematically destroy my home life.  Unhappiness and mental instability (actually diagnosed by doctor- not my own diagnoses) were in the air and I began to really worry about my safety, the safety of the animals in my home, and the individual themselves, whom I actually liked as a person.  I felt that this individual was hurting themselves and could not control it, in fact, the person admitted to me that they constantly hurt themselves and could not control it with or without medication. So, I decided to take action to maintain the protection within my home of its inhabitants.

Here is what I did:
1. I wrote the individual's name on slip of paper.
2. I meditated with this in my hand, with incense and candles before my altar,  for guidance.
3. A memory came to me, actually from my trip to New Orleans, about how to spiritually use a freezer. I took the slip of paper and I thought of calmness, I thought of patience and relaxation, of unwinding something.
4. Once I felt unwound I quickly rolled the piece of paper bearing the name up very very tightly and wound it with rubber bands (twine would have probably looked nicer but I was doing this on the fly and rubber bands were at hand.)
5. Essentially, I "bound" them to peace and considering that this is a person who gets angry and runs hot I put their little bound self  into the freezer- to cool them off.

 I must admit, while I was hopeful I was also skeptical. Within 24 hours the most remarkable thing happened. This person came home from work and stated that while they had been upset they had figured it out. Everything was falling into place and they were going to leave my home for a home they were more excited about (win-win) and that they were so happy that I was such an understanding person.
That was impressive.
I have experienced no malice or problems since. I've not heard anything negative, I've not felt anything negative, and when I do see this person they are quite happy in my presence without dominating or trying to manipulate it. So, hopefully, I brought this person peace, which was my intention, even though my reasoning behind making the decision was to protect myself and those around me. 

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