Thursday, November 21, 2013

Covering Ground

So, it's been a long time since I've written and shared.  Many things have happened since last summer. I've fallen in and out of love, invited one of my best friends back into my home and discovered that, in a very odd way, as solitary of a practicioner as I think I am I have unwittingly developed a coven.  I have rediscovered the importance of the self and of the people you surround yourself with. I have reignited my love of ritual and focus and practice. I have thrown countless parties and dinner parties celebrating the changing seasons and the fluctuations of the Earth but... I've been selfish and have not been sharing it with you.  So, to prepare myself for the new year, during this time of reflection and gratitude, I want to share more with everyone who stumbles into this place. Please feel free to contact me and to leave me thoughts and ideas and questions. I will try to answer as many as I can. I'm inviting all of you into my little "coven" of friends and support. That's what a coven is... a collection of individuals with similar interests or activities... 

In my case it is a group bound by sisterhood of the strongest kind... choice.

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