Monday, July 30, 2012

Herb of the Week: Basil

Basil ~ Ocimum Basilicum

DISCLAIMER: Remember, I am not a doctor, psychologist, licensed herbalist, or priestess
ALWAYS CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL! This is article is for information ONLY.

Basil is an anti-inflammatory and an anti-vomitum. Chewing the leaves can treat mouth infections and ulcers in the mouth, as a stress reliever, and can also stave vomiting.  Taking basil juice internally is said to treat kidney stones, prevent bites from insects, treat vomiting and diarrhea in children, treat headaches, and certain species can also be used to treat eye disorders (though I would seriously consult a physician before putting ANYTHING into my eyes.) Because of it's anti-inflammatory properties is a common addition to cough syrups, it can also treat various respiratory ailments including, phlegm, coughing, asthma, bronchitis, and some of the symptoms of influenza.  It also can be used in a gargle as a sore throat reliever, as a poultice for skin disorders (specifically ringworm) and can reduce fevers in both children and adults. Not to mention it tastes wonderful in cooking (thought to aid in lowering cholesterol) because it also a blood cleanser. It is not known to interfere with other remedies- over the counter or natural.

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As a magical herb is used to purify and exorcise and is prevalent in love magic. Basil can be used to divine the state of a relationship by how quickly a leaf burns on a coal or to ensure/identify infidelity and is also used in love sachets and incenses. See the is article for more information on some of these rituals  Pagan/Wiccan It can used in rituals to restore harmony between lovers by causing sympathy between two people. It is also used to ensure good fortune in money and as a plant is a common housewarming gift. And it's placement in cash registers or on door sill's of businesses can attract customers as well as deter theft. 

Because of it's nature as a fire plant it can be used in ritual work to summon dragons and other fire beings. It is a "flying herb" and has clairvoyant and psychic properties that include psychic protection and developing psychic skills. It's said to bring peace and purity and that alone makes it a worthy addition to any kitchen considering that is major gathering place in most homes.

This is so easy to grow inside. Put it in a moderately sunny window and water it regularly in a well drained pot. To keep your basil from becoming bitter make sure to trim the blooms off before they flower- if it flowers before you catch it go ahead and trim anyhow and the leaves will sweeten back up in a day or so. To make it an abundant leaf producer harvest it all the time by plucking the leaf off the plant right at the stem.  For every leaf you pluck, a two more stems will pop out of that spot. Chances are that the plant will die in the winter as it is very sensitive to cold weather and you'll have to buy/grow a new one anyway so you may as well keep it as delicious as possible as long as possible. There are also several types of basil. Lemon basil (makes the BEST summer pesto in my estimation), African Blue Basil (it is actually a purple color and is also known as Holy Basil) and Thai Basil used in cooking which has longer thinner leaves and is very fragrant.


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